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Covid-19 PCR Swab Tests & Covid-19 Vaccines
COVID-19 PCR Swab Test
The Covid swab test is to confirm whether you have coronavirus (Covid-19) now and cannot tell you about past infections or immunity. Unfortunately Cavendish Health Centre is not yet able to offer Covid-19 swab tests at this time.
You can no longer get free polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests from the NHS.
Instead, you can buy PCR tests from shops and pharmacies, including online.
You might also be able to get free PCR tests if you’re eligible. Please click here to find out more.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine
The coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine is safe and effective. It gives you the best protection against coronavirus.
Who can get the COVID-19 vaccine
The NHS is currently offering the COVID-19 vaccine to the following groups:
1st and 2nd doses for people aged 5 years old and over
Boosters for people aged 16 years old and over, plus at-risk children aged 12 to 15 years old
Spring boosters for people aged 75 years old and over, plus people aged 12 years old and over with a weakened immune system
Additional primary doses for people with a severely weakened immune system aged 12 years old and over
For more information about vaccines in Westminster please click here.
The vaccine is being offered in some hospitals and hundreds of local vaccination centres run by GPs as well as pharmacies. For details of sites in Westminster click here.
Please click HERE for information about booking your vaccination via the NHS website.
COVID-19 Proof of Vaccination
Please click here to see gov.uk advice about Demonstrating your COVID-19 vaccination status when travelling abroad. If you have been vaccinated in England your vaccine records will be automatically transferred to the NHS app or alternatively you can access it via the NHS website. If you have been vaccinated abroad you will need to use the proof of vaccination provided by that country.