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Telephone and Video Consultations

talking on phones

Convenient Remote Consulting...

Cavendish Health Centre are delighted to offer remote consultations with our medical team at your convenience. We are happy to consult with you via the telephone, video calls or via skype as per your preference. Please note due to the pandemic all consultations with our doctors, psychologists, physiotherapists and counsellors will be over the phone unless specified otherwise.

Telephone Consultations


Need to speak to a doctor about a test result, a recent clinic appointment, a follow up discussion regarding a recent change in medication, a simple medication review, or to request a repeat medical fitness certificate? Book a telephone appointment!


Evidence shows that patients perceive telephone appointments to be more convenient and quicker. Telephone appointments are useful for patients who live far from the surgery, or have no means of transport, or with a physical or psychological disability that makes trips to the surgery difficult, or for those in work or their dependants.


Skype and Video Consultations


Do you have Skype? You can now use Skype to contact your doctor!


Even if you don’t have Skype, you can request a video consultation with your GP. We use software called PATCHS and you can click this link to explain how this works here.


Cavendish Health Centre ran a successful pilot in 2014 which allowed patients to contact their GP via Skype. Now that the pilot has ended, we are still offering appointments via Skype or video.


To book a Skype or video appointment please telephone us on 0207 487 5244 or pop by and speak to our friendly reception team. Please ensure you give the receptionist your Skype address as well as your telephone number.


Another method of video consultations is through airmid which is the patient portal to systmone. Click here for more information.


For video consultations you will need a smartphone with a camera. You will receive a text message from the practice which you click on to start the consultation. Please allow access to your video and microphone.


Please make sure you are somewhere quiet and confidential with a good internet connection for your skype or video consultation.


Please ensure you read our brief guidance here before you book.


To find out more about Skype or to download it please visit

We hope you find this service useful.


Note: as with all information transmitted across the internet, the security of Skype isn’t 100%.  If you have any concerns about this, then you should use another type of appointment.  For more information please go to






“How shall I prepare for my telephone/skype/video consultation?”

The appointment is for ten minutes. You will be given a time when the doctor will call you. Make sure we have the correct telephone number/ skype address to contact you. Please make sure your phone is on you have reception or your computer is ready.

(Please note: the doctor will ring you as close as possible to your appointment time, but may ring slightly before or after this time as delays are inevitable in healthcare. It would be reasonable to expect the doctor to ring within 30 mins of your appointment time.)

Keep any relevant documentation or medication nearby in case you need to refer to it,  and have a pen and paper ready in case you need to jot down any notes.


“Isn’t this just a way of putting me off seeing the Doctor?”

No, telephone and video appointments are often a way of getting through to a doctor more quickly and conveniently than if you waited for a face to face appointment. During the pandemic all appointments with the doctors are initially via the telephone or video to minimise risk of covid-19 transmission at the practice


“Isn’t this a way of stopping me getting a face to face appointment?”

Again – this isn’t the case. Many things can be arranged, discussed, or provided, without you needing to see the GP, and often more quickly than if you had to wait for a face to face appointment. It’s possible the doctor may feel that you need a face to face appointment after all, in which case one can be arranged at an appropriate time, often soon after your telephone appointment.


“If the doctor asks me to come in anyway, why can’t I just have a face to face appointment in the first place?”

For confidentiality reasons, the Receptionists don’t ask you why you want to see the doctor. So until the doctor speaks to you, they won’t know whether your issue needs to be dealt with face to face, or by telephone. During the pandemic it is also important to triage all patients over the phone before arranging face to face consultations to help reduce risk of transmission of covid-19 at the practice.


“What happens if I miss my phone/video appointment?”

 The doctor will try to call you again, and leave a message (if that facility is available) or send you a text message. The doctor may be running late, but will call back ten minutes later if you are not available the first time. After that, if you haven’t managed to connect, you will need to re-schedule your appointment.

Schedule online. It's easy, fast and secure.

Cavendish Health Centre,

Lower Ground Floor, 15 Marylebone Rd

(Entrance on Marylebone High Street)


Tel: 02074875244

Out of Hours: 111


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