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Are you a COVID-19 Survivor?



Although the majority of people recover from COVID-19 without any long-lasting effects, many people have a longer road to recovery. The NHS is offering help to people who may have 'long-COVID.'


Find out more about how to get support for yourself, family members and carers on the Post COVID hub or on the NHS COVID Recovery website.

















Below is a list of resources which may also help in your COVID-19 recovery:

1.    For general information and self-management advice for those recovering from COVID, we recommend the websites:  

Coronavirus and COVID-19 | Asthma + Lung UK ( 

2.    For fatigue management please see: 

3.    For breathing techniques for COVID recovery:

4.    For sleep difficulty and sleep hygiene advice we recommend the website: 

5.    Anosmia advice and support:

COVID-19 (for patients) | ENT UK

6.    Feeling anxious, low in mood and having difficulty sleeping is very common when recovering from COVID-19, the mind charity website has some excellent information:

7.    For psychological support, please know that you can refer yourself directly without a referral to the NHS psychological therapies service (IAPT) at this website:

Mental health - NHS ( 
Services include talking therapies, such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), counselling, other therapies, and guided self-help and help for common mental health problems, like anxiety and depression.

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