Tel: 02074875244
Out of Hours: 111
Mother and New Baby Health Check
Congratulations on the birth of your baby!
Please do register them as a new patient at the practice so we can support you and arrange their 6 to 8 week health check......​

Free NHS 6 to 8 week Health Checks
Call your GP to book in as soon as you are registered. This is a health check for both Mum and baby with a GP to check on your health and wellbeing. and includes a head to toe health examination for your baby. Please also see your health visitor for a check-up and weight-check the week before you see the GP (their clinic and contact details are in your red book, but can also be found below). Following this you will be able to book in your baby with the nurse to have their immunsations and get them protected from serious illnesses like polio and whooping cough. See here for more information about these vaccines.
Getting Help and Advice
Being a new parent is wonderful but can also be challenging and exhausting. Your GP and health visitors are here to support you and your family. The following are also useful resources to help with your journey:
Child Health Visitors (age 0-5)
For healthcare and advice for your child (newborn to age 5), the Health Visitors are a useful resource and can be reached via the single point of access phone number (select option 2): 0208 200 2500 (Westminster team). Additionally their website contains lots of information on topics such as Infant Feeding, Weaning, Eating Well & Nutrition concerns, Sleeping patterns, Vitamins and more:
Healthier Together
Created in collaboration with the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health this is a useful website packed full of information to help improve the health of pregnant women, babies and children, including advice when you or your baby are unwell. Click here for more.
The NHS website
Packed full of helpful information about looking after your new baby. Please click here to be taken to their website
The Cry-sis website offers advice on coping with a crying or restless baby. You can call their helpline free on 0800 448 0737. It's open 7 days a week from 9am to 10pm.
The Lullaby Trust
Offers help and advice to make sure you and your baby have a safe night's sleep to reduce the risk of SIDS. Click here to be taken to their website.
LaLeche League
Packed full of advice and friendly breastfeeding advice. See here for more information.
ICON is all about helping people who care for babies to cope with crying. Click here to be taken to their site.
Caring for an Unwell Child
Click here for access to a booklet created by Imperial which gives guidance on caring for an unwell child and advice on when to seek medical advice.
Home-Start Westminster
Through a network of trained and CRB checked volunteers who are parents or have relevant experience Home Start support hundreds of parents and children who are experiencing difficulties of one kind or another.
Telephone: 020 7724 1349
Website: www.homestartwestminster.org.uk
Mytime Active
We offer a range of fun, practical healthy lifestyle courses for residents. Our MEND programmes, which stands for Mind, Exercise, Nutrition…Do It!, consist of lively, interactive sessions for parents/carers and children that offer sustainable and practical advice, guidance and tips on eating well and moving more.
Telephone: 0203 795 9346
Website: www.mytimeactive.co.uk
Befriend a Family
A charity with the aim of breaking cycles of disadvantage and social exclusion, promoting family cohesion, well-being and achievement. Westminster Befriend A Family offers services for families living in Westminster with children aged 0 – 18 years.